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United Methodist Women is open to all women in the church. For more
information on any of our activities please pick up a red UMW Activity Sheet in
the Gathering Place or on the UMW Bulletin Board.
to the Sunday Bulletin for stationery for the women
the next book selection. at Fluvanna as part of the
All are welcome to attend Christmas Gift Ministry.
whether you have read A basket is in the
the book or not. For Gathering Place
more information and/or specific plan for her, and with a list of items
any child care needs, that this plan would come needed and a place to
please contact Rachel to pass only if she leave the items. These
Martinez believed and acted in items will be picked up
( or certain ways. It was on October 19. Each of
703-425- 0480). difficult for her to make the approximate 1,300
Wednesday Women’s decisions about her life, inmates receive the gifts.
Bible Study: Join us as to own who she truly Save the Date for
we continue our study of was, who she wanted to Advent Coffee: On
Fearless by Max Lucado become, and what she December 2 at 9:30 a.m.,
on Wednesdays at 9:30 wanted to accomplish. The UMW and the
a.m. in Room M8. For After going through a Maranatha Singers are
more information contact divorce and making a big preparing for the Annual
Patti Keppler move, she realized that Advent Coffee with a
( or she needed to stop program of holiday
571-214- 4296) or Vicki believing voices of music. Along with the
Mazzocco authority who did not music program there will
( represent her. She found be a candle burning
t or 703-425-1820). God’s voice and she ceremony to honor or
The UMW Reading realized that it was her commemorate loved ones
Program: Femmevangelical: voice also. and a Christmas
The Modern Girl’s Guide to Fluvanna Correctional ornament exchange.
the Good News by Jennifer Center for Women: The Mark your calendar for
D. Crumpton. The Alexandria District UMW this wonderful beginning
author was raised to is collecting hygiene of the Holy Christmas
believe God had a items, greeting cards and season.