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that this summer has been a real joy,

      privilege, and adventure for us that we
      shall never forget.

             Whilst we were with you I
      preached a sermon on Thanks living.

      On my return to the UK, that
      challenge has struck me again.

      Whatever life offers us—whether at

      home or overseas; whether in joy or
      struggle; whether together or on our

      own – we are called to a life of thanks
      living for all that God has done for us.

      We bear testimony to that and
      encourage you also to be thankful in

      all circumstances.
      God Bless you all – we hope to see

      you again one day!

      Until then, thank you sincerely,

          Pastor Cameron, Lucy, Aidan,

              Callum, & Ronan (Stirk)

                                                   Service Times

                 8:30 AM                   9:45 AM                  11:00 AM                 6:30 PM
                Traditional             Contemporary                  Classic                 Chapel

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