Page 73 - Heart Transplant Protocol
P. 73

Heart Function Service: Heart Transplant Protocols

               3. Stop infusions and notify prescriber if patient develops:

                     Chest tightness
                     Diaphoresis
                     Hypertension
                     Hypotension
                     Rash
                     Urticaria

               4. Slow or stop infusion notify prescriber if patient develops reduced urine output

               5. Notify prescriber if patient develops during infusion or if reaction occurs 10 to 12 hours after
               completion the infusion:

                     Rapid-onset severe headache
                     Stiff neck or
                     Photophobia

               Attachment C

                                                  IVIG Monitoring Protocols

                    Possible adverse         Monitoring           Management of             Comments
                       reactions             parameters           adverse reaction
                    Infusion related      Monitor vital signs   1. Slow infusion until   Reactions with
                   reactions: Mild to   every 15 minutes until  symptoms resolve OR   subsequent infusions
                 moderate hypotension,   the maximum infusion  stop infusion          may be
                 headache, fever/chills,   rate is reached. Check   2. Contact provider   prevented/reduced by
                   nausea/vomiting,      vital signs hourly after   3. Call the ADR hotline   pretreatment with
                   flushing, pruritus,   reaching the maximum  to report a reaction   acetaminophen,
                       urticarial,      infusion rate and at the                      diphenhydramine, or
                    lightheadedness,      completion of the                           corticosteroids.
                  myalgia, fatigue, and        infusion.
                   mild hypertension
                  Signs of anaphylaxis:   Monitor vital signs   1. Stop infusion AND   Low IgA content
                    chest tightness,    every 15 minutes until   contact provider     products may be
                      diaphoresis,      the maximum infusion   2. Call the ADR hotline   administered with
                      tachycardia,      rate is reached. Check   to report the reaction   caution to patients with
                     hypertension,      vital signs hourly after                      antibodies to IgA or
                   hypotension, rash,   reaching the maximum                          selective IgA
                       urticaria        infusion rate and at the                      deficiencies
                                        completion of the
                                        infusion                                      (Gamunex contains low
                                                                                      quantity of IgA)

               Updated November 9, 2017                                                                    73
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