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Community Outreach

         The West Virginia Poison Center has one Community Outreach Coordinator.
         Due to funding cuts, the Community Outreach Coordinator is part-time and covers outreach for all 55
         counties at 22.5 hours a week.

         The Community Outreach Coordinator, Poison Center volunteers, and community partners go into WV
         communities to provide poison prevention education and poison center awareness programs for parents,
         children, senior service organizations, and community groups.

         All 55 West Virginia counties were reached with poison prevention awareness and WVPC information
         throughout the year.

                          Poison prevention and WVPC awareness messages are provided via:

                    Volunteer program                        Website                          Presentations
                      School programs                      Health fairs                        Newsletters

                       Press releases                       Brochures                        Mr. Yuk stickers
                  Poison prevention week                “Train the trainer”                       Flyers

                                                Public Education Activities

                                                   Community     Volunteers/
                                                    Outreach      Community       Total
                                                   Coordinator     Partners

                                                        9            18#            27

                                    Presentations      26            29#            55

                                      # number officially reported to the WVPC. Each year other
                                      presentations and events with WVPC information are provided
                                      throughout the state and not officially reported.

        West Virginia Poison Center Annual Report 2019                                                                                                            Page 52
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