Page 10 - May 2019 Traveler
P. 10
Again this summer there will be an opportunity for anyone who wants to get together
for conversation, laughter and knitting/crocheting items to donate to those in need.
This group meets on Thursday evenings from 5:00 pm—7:00 pm. It will start on May
9th. This group will do projects such as: hats, scarfs, and mittens to be given away
locally through our Blessing Box and other ways like the
DEC Christmas Tree. A new project this year is to make
twiddle muffs. Another project is knitting/crocheting dish-
cloths that can be tied to dish soap that is put in Trinity’s
Blessing Box and/or in DEC Thanksgiving Baskets. Bring
more project ideas when you come! If you want to learn
how to knit or crochet, there will be someone there who
can help you learn.
Trinity’s Garage Sale is May 31st and June 1st at 12772 Freeport Road
There are sign-up sheets posted at church for volunteers.
Help is needed to set-up sale and to work during sale.
Please price your donations for the sale.
(Do not price books.)
No clothes, please, and no TV’s or monitors.
Thank you for your donations and
your help with this fundraiser!