Page 13 - May 2019 Traveler
P. 13

Looking for an Artist

         We need someone to design a logo                                 A big THANK YOU
         for our 175th anniversary celebra-                               to all Trinity members
         tion.  It will be used in various ways,                          who donated in any way
         and it should not be too detailed in                             to help with the DEC
         order to make reprinting it easi-                                Easter food drive! We
         er.  Please submit your design/logo                              could not do it without
         to Mary Nuss by May 18.  If you                                  the help of our most
         have questions please ask her.                                   generous members!

         If we have no entries we may re-use                              We served 28 area
         the 125th 'Built on a Rock' design.                              families this year!

                                                                          Paula Rau


           Trinity Action Gals, Touching All Generations
                                                                    Keeping Northern Illinois Beautiful

         Coming in June....... We are making a change in            Clothing Drive is May 11. As the arti-
         honor of our church’s 175th anniversary!  Our              cle in the March Traveler said, they
         June gathering at church will include making col-          take all kinds of thing to recycle.  Eve-
         orful posters for the July 4th parade. We are cel-         rything needs to be in a plastic
         ebrating 175 years and we will be collecting               bag.  You can leave your bags at the

         items for our very popular Blessing Boxes!!                church between May 5 and 10 and

                                                                    the Stewardship Team will make sure
                                                                    they get to one of the drop-off plac-
         Paula Rau                                                  es.  Check the bulletin board for more
                                                                    information or look at the Traveler
                                                                    online.  If you have questions, check

                                                                    with Paula or Mary.
              Call Committee Update

              We currently have four members on the

              call committee.  A minimum of six mem-
              bers are needed.  Please let the office

              know if you are willing to serve.

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