Page 14 - May 2019 Traveler
P. 14
May 5—Cameron Chatfield
May 12—Noah Chatfield
May 19—Kade Chatfield
May 26—Rachel Proctor
June 2—Cameron Chatfield BREAD BAKER
June 9—Brenden Richardson May 12—Helen Jones
June 16—Noah Chatfield June 9—Carol Kinney
June 23—Rachel Proctor June 30—Loretta Murawski
June 30—Cameron Chatfield
USHERS May 5—Duane and Carol Kinney
May 5—Coltin Rau and Sally Lee May 12—Sally Lee and Maureen Witte
May 12—Geoff and Shannon Brown May 19—Robert Preston & Deb Preston
May 19—Dale and Wendy Tunak May 26—Loretta Murawski and Allison Meissen
May 26—Lucy Duerst and Dawn Hendon June 2—Coltin Rau and Susan Wendel
June 2—Chuck and Marilyn Wiley June 9—Chuck and Marilyn Wiley
June 9—Sally Lee and Noah Chatfield June 16—Judy and Jerry Kloster
June 16—Lyle and Vesta Clark June 23—Maria Himmler and Helen Jones
June 23—Lucy Duerst and Dawn Hendon June 30—Lyle and Vesta Clark
June 30—Geoff and Shannon Brown
May 5—Debbie Preston May 5—Karen Butler and Lucy Duerst
May 12—Coltin Rau May 12—Mary Nuss and Noah Chatfield
May 19—Brenden Richardson May 19—Dawn Hendon and Debbie Preston
May 26—Mary Nuss May 26—Coltin Rau and Jerry Kloster
June 2—Sally Lee June 2—Karen Butler and Noah Chatfield
June 9—Kimberly Schuldt June 9—Lyle Clark and Lucy Duerst
June 16—Maureen Witte June 16—Dawn Hendon and Debbie Preston
June 23—Bill Merritt June 23—Coltin Rau and Chuck Wiley
June 30—Denise VanFleet June 30—Mary Nuss and Denise VanFleet