Page 11 - May 2019 Traveler
P. 11

Special Offering for Synod Assembly on June 1st

         Bishop Jeffrey Clements has challenged each congregation in the Northern IL Synod to make a
         donation to the ELCA “Always Being Made New” five year campaign that supports new and

         expanded churchwide ministries around the world.  The gifts will assist communities to grow

         in faith, form new leaders, welcome our neighbors, overcome malaria, confront hunger and
         poverty and more.  Our council has approved a special offering  to be taken Sunday, June 1
         for this endeavor.  A check will be taken to the Synod Assembly June 14  and 15 .  Check out
         the link below for more information on this campaign.

          Trinity Mission Men

                                                                                     Have you noticed

          ...will not be meeting at their regu-
                                                                                        the new cross
          lar time in May.  The TMM Annual

          Hot Dog Roast is on July 13th at                                         at church for Easter?
          11:30am.  Hosts of this event are Dale

          Tunak and Geoff Brown.  More info in
                                                                      This cross was made by Jerry Rogala.
          next issue of newsletter.
                                                                     He portrayed the carpenter in Trinity’s

                                                                    Artisans of the Crucifixion dramas during
               Contact the church office if you                      mid-week Lenten services.  Thank you

          would like to organize a TMM  outing to                              to Jerry for this cross.
            a Rockford Rivets ballgame in June.

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