Page 15 - March 2019 Traveler
P. 15
Wednesday Lenten Meals
There are two opportunities for meals and Lenten messages. For those of you who do not
like driving at night, the Durand Ecumenical Council is sponsoring lunches on Wednesdays
March 13, 20, 27, and April 3 and 10 at the United Methodist Church in Durand. The meals
start at noon and last about an hour. Each of the churches host at least one of the Wednes-
days. Trinity’s turn is March 27.
Beginning Ash Wednesday, March 6, Trinity will begin their Wednesday night dinners in Fel-
lowship Hall beginning at 6:00 p.m. followed by the Holden Evening Prayer Service in the
nave beginning at 7:00 p.m. The service will include ‘Artisans of the Crucifixion”, testimony of
the Tanner, Basket Maker, Blacksmith, Carpenter and the Stone Mason (one each week). The
last Wednesday night meal and service will be April 10.
Whichever time you prefer, we hope you will take advantage of setting aside time during Lent
for fellowship and worship. If you would like to help provide food for Trinity’s DEC luncheon
or any of Trinity’s Wednesday night meals, please sign up on the bulletin board in the nar-
March 16 Next Date for Trinity Doughnuts
We are taking orders for our famous buttermilk doughnuts. Orders can be picked up on Saturday, March
16, at the church between 8:30 and 9:30 in the morning. To place an order, call Mary at 815-248-3150
by Monday, March 11 or sign up on the bulletin board in the narthex. Orders can be made for plain or
sugared doughnuts for $5.00 a dozen or a bag of two dozen doughnut holes for $2.50. Future sales will
be on the third Saturday of May, July, September, and November. If you want to have a standing order
for each sale day tell Mary. It will save you calling or writing down your order each time they are sold.
We also could use some help making and packaging the donuts on March 16. Check the bulletin board
for the sign-up sheet or call Mary. We have three one-hour shifts (6 am – 7 am, 7-8 and 8-9). Many
hands make light work and it is a great social time.
If you would like to donate ingredients, let Mary know. By March 11 we should know how many donuts
we need to make and have a good idea of what we need. Some ingredients can be brought in any time,
others – like milk – need to be in the kitchen by March 13 so Lucy and Heidi can make the dough.