Page 11 - May 2020 Traveler
P. 11
Financial Information for First Quarter of 2020
General Offering Actual Budget
January 7,227.00
February 6,330.78
March 8,366.00
Total 21,923.78 33,521.25
General Fund Expenses for Jan – Mar
Trinity’s expenses for the first quarter of 2020 are within our budget guidelines.
Expenses for the first quarter include a few items that are paid once per year.
The income has been below what is needed.
General Offering Fund Balance
(this is the unused general offering from previous month’s offerings)
Dec 31, 2019 16,693.92
March 31, 2020 6,261.98
If income does not improve, this cushion will not last much longer.
Trinity has applied for the Paycheck Protection Program which would help us for 2 months.
There are a lot more applications than money for this program.
If you are able, prayerfully consider an increase in your general fund giving during this
challenging time.
Building Fund Offering (monthly payment is 1,669.00)
January 1,611.00
February 2,221.00
March 1,931.00
Any monthly income that is over what is needed goes towards the principal of the loan.