Page 10 - May 2020 Traveler
P. 10

Your offering may be mailed to Trinity at PO Box
                                             627, Durand, IL 61024, placed in the mailbox on
                                             the building that is to the left of the entrance
                                             doors, or there is an online donation link at

                                             bottom of the homepage of Trinity’s website at

          If you do your personal bill paying online, the local banks offer “bill pay”

          and you can setup an offering for Trinity and they put it in the mail for you.

          Online Giving

          After clicking the link on the homepage of Trinity’s website, it will then
          open a tab where you can donate to Trinity.  You need to set-up up your
          personal account the first time and after that you will be able to log in.  You
          can choose what fund and if you want to use a charge card or link it to
          your bank account.  You even have the option to setup recurring giving.

         The council discussed the following two suggestions:

         Is it the liaison’s responsibility to get the teams to meet?
         Answer:  The liaisons will contact team members to get the first
         meeting set up.  During the first team meeting, the team is to
         elect chairperson and recorder.

         Where will decisions of council be posted?
         The decisions are always recorded in the minutes. Minutes are approved the following
         month after a meeting and are posted on the bulletins board outside the office. Mem-
         bers are welcome to make copies of the minutes; let staff know if you need assistance
         using the copy machine.  Minutes can also be accessed through the link in the Travel-
         er via your computer or smart phone.  We, the council are open to dialogue with you
         and strive for transparency.

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