Page 4 - May 2020 Traveler
P. 4

Dear Friends in Christ,

         A month ago, I wondered what would have changed by the time you
         read the April Traveler…the changes have continued. Today, our gover-

         nor just announced extending the “stay at home” order until May 30th.
         It’s not surprising…it’s  “necessary but challenging.”

         My heart breaks with the sad stories of those contracting the virus; I worry about those in nursing homes

         with no family contact not understanding why the visits have stopped. I grieve for those who have lost
         loved ones, unable to have funerals and forced to deal with their loss without in person family and friend
         support. I am sad that graduation ceremonies and parties are in limbo and pray for those who have yet to

         receive unemployment benefits. I don’t understand why farmers are forced to dump their milk and fresh
         produce when so many people are hungry not only in our country but around the world; surely some
         corporation can figure out how to donate those commodities. I wonder what our new “normal” is going

         to look like and how long will we have to wear masks in public? How long before we can celebrate
         communion together in our sanctuary?

         So many worries and wonderings. We keep hearing, “we will get through this together.”  Thanks be to

         God! -– we will…it takes intentionality on our part to let go of the worry and give it over to God in prayer;
         it takes intentionality to ask God how we might help our hurting neighbors while being socially distanced.
         As we spend most of our time at home, how are you finding ways to connect with God?

         Have you ever tried a silent prayer? No, well here is a way to start out if interested. Make a cup of tea or
         coffee. Pray for God to be with you. Sip it slowly in silence. Notice the steam. Notice the cup. Notice how
         it feels in your hands. Try not to make any judgements. Just notice and be still. When you are finished

         with your tea or coffee, thank God. Do it again tomorrow.

         When you are ready for more, try this: Sit relaxed and quiet with your eyes closed inviting God to be with
         you. Choose a word to focus on that describes God to you…Jesus, Savior, Lord, Abba, Peace, etc.

         When your mind wanders refocus on your word. Sit silently for 20 minutes, eventually working up to 40
         minutes. (I know that sounds impossible.) Thoughts will come, but gently refocus on your word. Be gentle

         with yourself and be patient. it takes some practice; we are so used to always “doing.” It takes practice to
         just “be.” Let me know if you find this practice helpful.

         During this time of prolonged “stay at home orders,” it takes intentionality to come up with creative and

         even “fun” ways to stay connected as a congregation and continue our ministries. Any ideas?  Eight
         members joined in on our first Zoom fellowship time, two via the phone. Would you prefer FaceTime or
         Skype?  We could try some games, perhaps hold a “joke” night…we all need laughter.  Instead of a time

         of worship with a sermon, would you like to try a devotion or have a discussion on the gospel?
         (Participants would have to talk for these ideas to work) We could knit/crochet together. Let’s get creative

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