Page 9 - October 2018 Traveler
P. 9
Keeping Track of the Organ Fund
Look for the keyboard display in the narthex to let you know how well we are doing toward
raising $11,000 for a new organ. There are 145 keys on the organ (60 on each keyboard and
25 on the pedals). As money is put into the organ fund we will color in the keys in bright col-
ors so you can see where we are. Once all the keys are filled in we will have enough money
to buy the organ and have it placed in the nave. Each key is worth about $75.00 in case you
would like to donate a key or more. You can put any donation in the Sunday offering with a
note that it is for the organ fund.
We thank the Memorial team for donating $5,000, the TLCW for donating $500, the family of
Curtis Hansen for donating $350, and others who have donated, and continue to donate, to
the organ fund. As I write this, we have a little over $7,000 – well on the way to having a new
organ. See a picture of the organ on the keyboard chart. If you have any questions, talk to
Heidi Swanson or Mary Nuss.
September 23 Estimate of My Giving to
God cards were handed out at church or
mailed to members of the congregation.
They will be dedicated at the October 7
Donut Sale service, so we ask that you have them
returned to the Financial Secretary by
then. On October 21 we will have a mini
-brunch after church where you will be
Our next donut sale will be November 10. asked to look at ways you can volunteer
We will be selling at the church and are at the church. We will start fresh with
taking orders and we will only make lists of volunteers for various things, and
enough donuts to fill the orders. Sugared may eliminate some of the items on the
donuts will be done in a mixture of red, old Time and Talent Sheet. We will give
white and blue sugar to honor Veterans’ people a chance to tell what they do as
Day. If you would like to order you can ei- volunteers. We have a couple ‘only in
ther call Mary Nuss or see the sign-up 2019’ volunteer opportunities you can
sheet on the bulletin board. We also need sign up for. They are the 175 anniver-
volunteers to help make donuts. We have sary and the senior disciples’ service.
three one hour shifts starting at 6:00 a.m. More on that at our brunch.
Timing may change depending on how
many donuts are ordered.