Page 53 - Manual - Well Fixed Assets and Barcode Asset Checking
P. 53
6.4 Option
This program provides clear explanation on DP calculation formulas. You are
required to click “Utility -> Option”. There are 3 DP calculation formulas.
6.4.1 SL: Straight Line by Day
The DP will be calculated per dayby the formula “Cost – Scrap Value
/ Number of Days * DP Calculation Days”, which is slightly similar to the Revaluation case.
Example: Asset Code A has DP5 (Rate 20%), there are 366 days in
2012, the DP calculation starts on 01/01/2012 (a total number of days = 01/01/2012 – 01/01/2017,
excluding the final day = 1,826 days), scrap value = 1 baht, DP value as of 31/01/2012 (DP = 31
days). The SL formula will be (10,000 – 1) / 1,826 * 31 days = 169.75.
6.4.2 SLY: Straight Line by Rate
This formula will depend on percentage per year, which can be
calculated by “Cost – Scrap Value * Rate / Number of Days in the Year * DP Calculation Days”.
Referring to the above-mentioned example, the SLY formula can be described as (10,000 – 1) * 20% /
366 * 31 days = 169.38.
6.4.3 SLM: Straight Line by Month
The DP will be calculated per month. If the depreciation period is 5
years, the DP value will be calculated by 60 months. As the formula is “Cost – Scrap Value / Number
of Months”. Therefore, SLM = (10,000 – 1) / 60 months = 166.65.
6.5 Database
This program allows you to change database in the Well-Fixed Asset. There
are 2 types of Database; Microsoft Access and Microsoft SQL. You can enter the program by clicking
“Utility -> Database”. At the “Provider” tab, if it is the SQL Server type, you must click “SQL
Server”. If it is the Microsoft Access type, click “Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)” and “Next”,