Page 350 - Transport
P. 350

2-2- Non-public Departments
2-2-1- Commissary Department (Catering)

    They prepare food for passengers and crew.
    They prepare special meals. Such as: (vegetarian, no

       salt meal, Muslims meal, Indian meal…).
@@@ This department knows this information from

         reservation department.
@@@ There is direct link between reservation department

         and catering department.
2-2-2- Maintenance Department

    They change parts of the aircraft according to flying
       time to keep it 100% safe at all times.
       Such as: (tires of aircraft- after certain period of time,
       it must be changed).

2-2-3- Load Control Department
    Determinate the exact weight that the aircraft will lift
       before every take off.
       It depends on the weather condition, the wind speed
       and direction, amount of humans.
       Through some calculation in computer system og an

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