Page 351 - Transport
P. 351

Standard Codes and Terminologies
     Used in the Airline Business

- Standard IATA Codes for airlines to communicate.
 (To make it easy we have to deal with codes)
 (It has to be in a capital letters)

1- Days of the week.     MON             1
Monday                   TUE             2
Tuesday                  WED             3
Wednesday                THU             4
Thursday                  FRI            5
Friday                   SAT             6
Saturday                 SUN             7

X3 --- means daily flight except day 3.
X35--- means except WED & FRI.

2- Months         Q2            Q3              Q4
              April APR     July JUL      October OCT
January JUN   May MAY     August AUG     November NOV
February FEB  June JUN   September SEP   December DEC
 March MAR

 IATA divided months of a year into 4 quarters.
 These quarters are the same for all airlines.
 By the end of each quarter, each airline evaluates its

   efforts and shows its profits & loss.
 By the end of the first quarter, if airline achieved loss,

   it has to modify its plan in order to turn the loss to a


    (Evaluate the performance after each quarter).

    It has chance to reevaluate.

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