Page 97 - مراقبة_merged_Neat4فنادق ثان
P. 97

Quality and Food Safety Management in Food
                       Service Industry

substances which are a risk to the health and wellbeing of the

Food safety: The assurance that food will not cause harm
to the consumer when it is prepared and/or eaten
according to its intended use2. For the purpose of this
Handbook, the nutritional values of food are not treated as
food safety factors.

Food security: When all people, at all times, have physical
and economic access to sufficient safe and nutritious food
that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an
active and healthy life3.

Food quality: Attributes that influence a product's value to
the consumer. This includes subjective variables such as
colour, size, smell, flavour, texture, freshness, cleanliness,
and overall appearance.

Food hazard: food that is contaminated with biological,
chemical or physical agents and, if eaten, will cause ill health.
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