P. 6

There is a reason they catch your eye and

                       encourage you to keep going; they do the

                       impossible, invent new things, and still keep


                          So, what makes those people a “leader” in

                       your mind? Why would you like to follow

                       them closely behind? What do they have that

                       you love so dearly? In your life, how were

                       they able to touch you so clearly?

                          The people on your list are all great, but

                       there is one person who is missing: you! The

                       biggest problem with leadership is always the

                       view; most leaders don’t recognize themselves

                       for who they are, so they fizzle out and don’t

                       go very far!

                          You’ve heard the saying, “Great leaders

                       aren’t born; they’re made”; it’s true! Most of

                       6 | D r .   C h a d   C o s t a n t i n o   T h e   T r e a s u r e
                       M a p   t o   t h e   U l t i m a t e   L e a d e r s h i p
                       C o a c h i n g   f o r   Y o u t h
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