P. 7
all, you should see that you have the
potential to be a leader too!
But, what do “leaders” do? It sounds
scary, to have all eyes looking at YOU. Don’t
be afraid, just keeping pushing through; what
the world needs in a good leader is already
inside of you!
Good Did you know that only
about 15% of people reach
“leaders” the status of becoming
positive, successful, and
influence, encouraging leaders?
effect, and
direct others
in a positive way; good leaders are formed by
their response to demanding responsibilities,
situations, and circumstances every day!
You can learn how to be a leader in your
mind by educating yourself on your
potential; that is the stuff that is in your
7 | D r . C h a d C o s t a n t i n o T h e T r e a s u r e
M a p t o t h e U l t i m a t e L e a d e r s h i p
C o a c h i n g f o r Y o u t h