P. 9

Every leader needs a goal, a vision,

                                                        something to

                          A Treasure to Remember:       strive for; usually
                          Leaders are Feeders! They
                         feed others their knowledge    this is a passion
                         like a shepherd would feed
                           his flock! Leaders don’t     you already have
                        hoard information and don’t
                         lord over others what they     that you want to
                              know. They feed!
                                                        nurture more. In

                       seeing yourself as a leader, let’s review some

                       tough questions to help you determine your


                                What are you passionate about?

                                 (This can be anything – passion for

                                 animals, people, environmental

                                 safety, or any cause that really

                                 speaks your heart).

                                What kinds of problems do you like

                                 to solve for others? (Are you good at

                                 giving positive advice to people in

                       9 | D r .   C h a d   C o s t a n t i n o   T h e   T r e a s u r e
                       M a p   t o   t h e   U l t i m a t e   L e a d e r s h i p
                       C o a c h i n g   f o r   Y o u t h
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