P. 8
DNA, and it’s essential! Once you look at
yourself as a leader, you can respond to your
potential with actions; that means using all of
that great stuff inside of you to overcome
Potential is simply this: an ability within
you that is not yet being used! If you knew all
of your potential to accomplish goals, you
would be amused! You can do so much more
than you know right now; and in learning to
be a leader, this book will show you how!
So, the very first question on everyone’s
mind is: what is a leader? A leader may be
many things, but above all else a leader is a
feeder! That’s right; being a good leader is not
about self, but about service to those around
you. Feeding others by solving problems and
inspiring positivity is a tough thing to do!
8 | D r . C h a d C o s t a n t i n o T h e T r e a s u r e
M a p t o t h e U l t i m a t e L e a d e r s h i p
C o a c h i n g f o r Y o u t h