Page 32 - GP Fall 2022_Neat
P. 32

Test your knowledge with some questions.

                                                     Earn one FREE credit

        This five question quiz is based on the article “TMJ Symptoms with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia: A Case Report” on pages 30-31.
        AGD members can receive one (1) credit in subject code 310 by submitting their answers  by December 15, 2022 A passing score of 80%
        is required in order to receive the credit.

        To complete the questionnaire use the link:

        or scan the QR code:

        1.  In a Complete Blood Count (CBC), which of the following   4.  Clinical features of ATL could include
            is the range for a normal white blood cell count?       A.  Generalized lymphadenopathy
            A.  Approximately 4,400 to 11,000 cells/microL          B.  Hepatosplenomegaly
            B.  Approximately 150,000 to 450,000 cells /microL      C.  Immunosuppression
            C.  Approximately 2,200 to 3,500 cells/microL           D.  Lytic bone lesions
            D.  Approximately 4.35-5.65 million cells/microL        E.  Skin lesions
                                                                    F.  A, B, and C
        2.  The lymphocytes’ function is to create antibodies to defend   G.  All of the above
            against bacteria, viruses, and other potentially harmful
            invaders, and dysfunction in their production can lead to   5.  Complications of therapy for ATL
            leukemias and lymphomas                                 A.  Opportunistic infections
            A.  True                                                B.  Hypercalcemia
            B.  False                                               C.  All of the above

        3.  Adult T cell leukemia-lymphoma (ATL) is a mature T cell
            malignancy that generally presents with widespread
            involvement of lymph nodes, peripheral blood, and/or
            skin; Adult T cell leukemia and lymphoma are associated
            with the human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV-1).
            A.  Both statements are correct
            B.  Both statements are incorrect

        References Last accessed June 2022
        Global burden of cancer attributable to infections in 2018: a worldwide incidence analysis
        de Martel, Catherine, et al.The Lancet Global Health, Volume 8, Issue 2, e180 - e190.
        ma. Last accessed June 2022
        Gupta A, Moore JA. Tumor Lysis Syndrome. JAMAOncol. 2018;4(6):895.

                          The New York State constituent of the Academy of General Dentistry is an approved PACE provider.  The sponsor’s formal CDE
                          programs are acceptable by the AGD for Fellowship, Mastership, and maintenance credit.  Approval does not imply acceptance
                          by a state of provincial board of dentistry. The current term of approval extends from 1/01/21 to 12/31/22.  AGD Code#219318

 l Fall 2022 l GP 32
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