Page 31 - GP Fall 2022_Neat
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neck.  It was not painful or tender, “ I just  to link episodic joint pain in the TMJ to any-

       felt  my  neck  and  I  knew  it  wasn’t  right.”  thing further?  At the time the patient was   Dr. Joseph DiDonato,
       At this point, the patient scheduled a visit  also concerned  that  she might  have had a   III is in private  prac-
       with her primary care physician to discuss  reaction to the COVID vaccination.  Is there   tice in Rochester, NY.
       her other developing symptoms.  She had  anything more that could have beenbe done       He received  his dental
       knee  soreness and  found walking  up and  given the circumstances?  In this case, the   degree  from New York
       down stairs painful. She still had the lymph-  patient did seek medical attention within ten   University College of
       adenopathy in her neck.  When asked if she  or twenty days for other ongoing symptoms,   Dentistry. He has served
       should get her second COVID shot her PCP  but what if the patient hadn’t?                as President of the New
       advised her to go ahead and that the lymph-                                 York State Academy of General Dentist-
       adenopathy may be related to the COVID  The treatment for ATL involves killing ex-  ry and currently serves as Treasurer.
       vaccination.  Her PCP advised Motrin and  isting blood stem cells contributing to the
       ice for the joint pain.  Within a few days, her  line  of  T-lymphocytes  by chemotherapy
       knee started feeling better.         and radiation.  This also includes eliminat-
                                            ing the cells that may be in the brain and
       The day after the PCP visit the patient re-  spinal cord.  After this, the patient receives
       ceived her second dose of the COVID vac-  a stem cell transplant from a sibling which
       cine.  Some time after this she noticed pain  is intended to repopulate the stem cells lost
       in other joints, moving from joint to joint,  during treatment.  In some forms of ALL, a
       including a swollen finger with redness and  targeted approach can be employed.  This
       a swollen elbow with decreased mobility.  involves  using drugs such as monoclonal
       She noticed swollen lymph nodes in various  antibodies, that target just the cancer cells
       locations.                           and leave the healthy cells alive.

       Approximately ten days after the first PCP  The  latest avenue  of treatment  for some
       visit she returned to follow up on the new  forms of cancer is immunotherapy in which
       symptoms.  At this second visit, a complete  the patient’s immune system is marshaled to
       blood count revealed an increased number  find and kill cancer cells. The patient’s own
       of lymphoblasts.  She was instructed to see  T-cells are removed from the body and in the
       a hematologist.  Within three days she was  lab special chemical receptors are added to
       seen by a specialist and a bone marrow bi-  the surface of the cells.  This is done by add-
       opsy was done to confirm the diagnosis of  ing a new gene to the cell genome to code
       acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).  for a new protein on the cancer cell surface.
                                            This is called CAR T-cell therapy (chime-
       The patient was admitted to the hospital for  ric antigen receptor).  The newly enhanced
       chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and a stem  T-cells are now specifically equipped to go
       cell transplant from a sibling donor.  Prior to  after the cancer cells because they have a
       radiation therapy, the oncologist requested a  receptor designed to attach to the surface of
       dental exam to rule out active infection.    the cancer cells.

       Discussion                           Speeding up the identification and access to
       Because dental visits tend to be more fre-  care by identifying clinical signs and symp-
       quent than routine medical  visits, patients  toms is an essential goal during oral hygiene
       will often disclose health concerns to a den-  screening.  Identifying cancer at its earliest
       tal provider.   The question becomes what  clinical appearance is a goal all clinicians
       kinds of information is actionable and how  should strive to achieve.
       far should a patient complaint be pursued.
       We know that the warning signs of systemic  References:
       disease can often be discovered during an  1.M. Plummer, C. de Martel, J. Vignat, J.
       oral exam and counseling patients to seek   Ferlay, F. Bray, S. Franceschi
       medical care can be a very important ser-  Global burden of cancers attributable to in-
       vice.  In many cases, patients need to hear   fections in 2012: a synthetic analysis
       from a respected party that they should not   Lancet Glob. Health, 4 (2016), pp. e609-e616
       delay seeking treatment.   
       The  presentation of episodic  TMJ pain
       without an offending factor is not unusual.     2.  National  Cancer  Institute  https://www.
       Patients  can often present with localized
       trauma to individual teeth or soreness to the   all-treatment-pdq.last access January 2022.
       myo-facial complex that is self-limiting and   3. Matsuoka, M., Jeang, KT. Human T-cell
       resolves without intervention.  The critical   leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) infectivity
       step is to ask ourselves if we have done a   and cellular transformation. Nat Rev Cancer
       complete  survey, could we have detected   7, 270–280 (2007).
       any further clues?  In this case, how would  nrc2111.
       a  finding  of  lymphadenopathy,  a  solitary  4.
       node in the neck, in a patient with no sign of  sa/3.0>, via Wikimedia Commons.
       dental disease, be processed?  Is it possible
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