Page 29 - GP Fall 2022_Neat
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The Role of the Oral Healthcare Provider  assess the stability and level of control, and   7. Shang R, Gao L. Impact of hyperglycemia on

      The dentist’s role in treating diabetic patients   be well-versed in how to manage the disease   the rate of implant failure and peri-implant pa-
                                                                                 rameters in patients with type 2 diabetes melli-
      is multi-faceted.  We  have  the  opportunity   along  with  medications  prescribed. All of   tus: Systematic review and meta-analysis. J Am
                                            this should be an integral part to develop-
      for screening patients for diabetes by rou-                                Dent Assoc.  2021 Mar;152(3):189-201.e1. doi:
      tinely reviewing medical history. Educating   ing your treatment plan for the patient. Plan   10.1016/j.adaj.2020.11.015. PMID: 33632408.
                                            ahead to avoid complications.
      patients as to the oral manifestations of dia-                             8. Dowell S, Oates TW, Robinson M. Implant success
      betes is another responsibility. Dentists and                              in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus with varying
      their team should be knowledgeable in be-  Future articles will address the medical risk   glycemic control: a pilot study. J Am Dent Assoc.
                                            assessment and management of the poorly
      ing able to assess the level of control, medi-                             2007 Mar;138(3):355-61; quiz 397-8. doi: 10.14219/
      cal risk and consider both when developing   controlled diabetic patient in the dental set-  jada.archive.2007.0168. PMID: 17332041.
                                            ting, as well as consideration of diabetic med-
      the patient’s treatment plan. The well-con-
      trolled diabetic, as well as those with predi-  ications and their side effects and interactions.   Debra Ferraiolo  is  a
      abetes, have no limitations or modifications                                              Clinical  Assistant  Pro-
      with dental treatment. If controlled, the di-  References:                                fessor at  NYU College
      abetic patient has no limitations as to treat-  1.  of Dentistry in the De-
      ment planning - procedures such as scaling   html. Last accessed June 2022.               partment of Oral Maxil-
      and root planing, periodontal and oral sur-    lofacial  Pathology, Ra-
      gery should be considered just as you would   ical-care-in-nonpregnant-adults-with-diabe-  diology and Medicine.
      in the non-diabetic patient. A recent system-  tes-mellitus. Last accessed June 2022.     She is in private  prac-
      atic review published in JADA found that   3. Little, James  W., Falace,  Donald,  Miller,   tice in Totowa, NJ and she is a member
      although bleeding on probing was increased   Craig, and Rhodus, Nelson L. Dental Manage-  of the NYSAGD.
      in diabetic patients, hyperglycemia did not   ment of the Medically  Compromised Patient  -
      impact implant failure. In comparison with   EBook. 9th ed. Philadelphia: Mosby, 2017. Web.  Dr. Analia Veitz- Keenan
      nondiabetic patients, failure was similar. 5-8  4. American Diabetes Association.   is a Clinical Professor
                                            Last accessed June 2022.                            at NYU College of Den-
      This article focused on refreshing the oral   5.  tistry in the Department
      healthcare provider on the pathophysiology   edu/contents/overview-of-gingivitis-and-peri-  of Oral Maxillofacial
                                            odontitis-in-adults. Last accessed June 2022.
      behind diabetes as well as the importance   6.  Teshome  A,  Yitayeh  A.  The  effect  of peri-  Pathology,  Radiology
      that  all  dentists be  aware  of their  role  in   odontal therapy on glycemic control and fasting   and Medicine  and Ep-
      caring for the diabetic patient. The key to   plasma glucose level in type 2 diabetic patients:   idemiology  and Health  Promotion De-
      appropriate care is the same as that with any   systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Oral   partment.  She  is in  private  practice  in
      other disease process: be knowledgeable   Health.  2016 Jul 30;17(1):31.  doi:  10.1186/  Brooklyn,  NY. Dr. Veitz-Keenan is the
      about the disease and, if it requires manage-  s12903-016-0249-1. PMID: 27473177; PMCID:   2022 President-elect of the NYSAGD.
      ment from an oral healthcare  prospective,   PMC4967318.

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