Page 7 - GP Fall 2022_Neat
P. 7

Where is the Worry Line?  Inflammatory Lesions vs. Mucous
        Membrane Diseases:  Diagnosis, Prognosis and Treatment Plans

                            Authors: Esther Tingué, RDH, BS, MA and Gwen Cohen-Brown, DDS, FAAOMP

        With the focus of dentistry changing from  surrounded  by  a  serpiginous  (snakelike),  Age/Sex/Race:  Geographic  tongue can
        restorative  procedures  to  disease  preven-  raised, slightly white halo. Over time, these  present in children, however it is more of-
        tion,  oral  healthcare  providers  find  them-  areas of atrophy spontaneously resolve and  ten seen in adolescents and adults. It has a
        selves in the position to identify oral dis-  migrate,  giving  the  tongue  a variegated  slightly higher incidence in white and black
        ease and to prevent disease progression  appearance. Patients may complain of dis-  patients over Hispanic or Asian. There is a
        in healthy patients. Patients  often present  comfort in the depapillated areas and may  slight female prevalence.
        with sore irritated mucosa, but the symp-  have  sensitivity to  acidic  or spicy  foods,
        toms of peeling, redness and blisters can be  which is secondary to the lack of filiform  Treatment: No treatment is necessary, but
        attributed to many different etiologies. This  papilla in the areas of depapillation. If the  topical steroid gels or antihistamine rinses
        paper presents a reproducible approach to  lateral margins or ventral tongue are affect-  can reduce tongue or mucosal sensitivity.
        the differential diagnosis and treatment of  ed as well, it is sometimes referred to as  It is important for the patient to know that
        specific  common  oral  lesions,  especially  ectopic geographic tongue (Figures 1, 2).  this is a treatment, not a cure. It has also
        those diseases that mimic each other. The                                 been noted that geographic tongue can flare
        focus will  be  the  clinical  management  of                             with stress and become more active  and
        common  oral  lesions (i.e.,  relevant  labo-                             more painful.
        ratory tests,  treatment modalities  and an-
        ticipated  prognosis following appropriate                                Comparison of Geographic  Tongue vs.
        therapy).                                                                 Ectopic Geographic Tongue
        Geographic  Tongue (Benign Migratory                                      Geographic tongue and ectopic geograph-
        Glossitis,  Erythema  Migrans,  Wander-                                   ic tongue are essentially the same disease,
        ing Rash) vs. Ectopic Geographic Tongue                                   the main difference being where the lesions
                                                                                  occur. Ectopic geographic tongue does not
        Etiology: Geographic tongue, also referred   Figures 1 and 2. Geographic Tongue.  develop on the dorsal surface of the tongue
        to as benign migratory glossitis, was first                               and the erythematous center of the lesion
        acknowledged by French physician Pierre   Ectopic  Geographic  Tongue:  When  the   is not due to the loss of filiform papillae.
        François Olive Rayer in 1831. Rayer de-  condition includes lesions at extra-glossal   Ectopic  geographic  tongue  may  develop
        scribed this condition as “a wandering rash   oral sites, different terms, in addition to   anywhere in the mouth except for the dor-
        of the tongue.” Geographic tongue is a be-  ectopic geographic tongue have been used   sal surface of the tongue.  If it is seen with-
        nign inflammatory condition typically lim-  in the past. These include geographic sto-  out typical geographic tongue, it should be
        ited to the dorsum of tongue, affecting 3%   matitis, erythema migrans, erythema areata   evaluated to determine if it is a mixed leu-
        of the US population, and is of unknown   migrans,  and stomatitis  areata  migrans   koplakia/erythroplakia  lesion and should
        etiology with a strong familial tendency.   (Figures 3-5).                be followed to confirm that it is not a pre-
        Geographic  tongue occasionally  extends                                  malignant or malignant lesion. There is no
        towards the lateral borders of the tongue,                                treatment for either geographic tongue or
        affecting  the  anterior  one-third  of the                               ectopic geographic tongue other than palli-
        tongue most frequently. The appearance of                                 ative treatment if there is discomfort.
        a geographic tongue is variable from one
        person to the next and changes over time,                                 Hairy  Tongue vs. Black Hairy  Tongue
        hence  the  name  of the  condition.  Geo-                                (Lingua Villosa Nigra, Nigrities Linguae)
        graphic tongue is often seen with patients
        who  have  psoriasis,  fissured  tongue,  and                             Etiology: Hairy Tongue is a benign con-
        is oddly inversely associated with tobacco                                dition  resulting  from  elongation  of  the
        use. It is seen in patients with psoriasis fre-                           filiform  papillae  due  to  keratin  build-up.
        quently (40%), however the inverse is not                                 This can result from inadequate exfoliation
        true.  If you have a geographic tongue, you                               (e.g., from decreased oral intake, poor oral
        will not necessarily develop psoriasis. It is                             hygiene or dry mouth related to anticholin-
        hypothesized that  Vitamin  B   deficiency                                ergic drugs) and accelerated keratinization
        (ariboflavinosis) can cause several changes                               (as may occur with irritation from smok-
        in the mouth, and one potential side effect
        of Vitamin B  deficiency may include geo-                                 ing).  It  is  usually  symptomless.  Darker
        graphic tongue. Other conditions associat-                                coloration typically results from the trap-
        ed with geographic tongue include atopic                                  ping of debris and bacteria in the elongated
        dermatitis,  Reiter’s syndrome,  celiac  dis-                             strands of the keratinized filiform papillae.
        ease and lichen planus.                                                   Hairy tongue can be the result of overuse
                                                                                  of mouthwash, products with bismuth, or
        Clinical:  In  geographic  tongue,  the  dor-                             colored candies, and it will reflect the col-
        sal tongue develops areas of papillary at-                                ors of the products used. Insufficient des-
        rophy that appear as smooth, bare patches                                 quamation of the filiform papillae leads to

                                               Figures 3-5. Ectopic Geographic Tongue. l Fall 2022 l GP 7
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