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blisters. The ulcerative stage presents with  gers of sunlight, stress, fevers and cold are  Clinical: An ulcer, by definition, is a break
        small superficial discreet ulcers involving  the ones most often cited. Herpes labialis is  in the epithelium exposing peripheral nerve
        only the epithelium  that  may coalesce  to  extremely  contagious  with  approximately  endings in the lamina propria. There is typi-
        form a much larger ulcer. It never involves  85% of the adult population being seropos-  cally damage to both the epithelium and the
        the connective tissue and does not present  itive for antibodies to the virus. Recurrent  connective tissue. Each type of ulcer will
        with a red halo. For recurrent intraoral her-  herpes labialis is a complex problem with  present with a slightly different clinical
        petic  lesions  and  herpes  labialis,  the  first  pronounced  psychosocial  ramifications,  presentation depending upon etiology.
        three clinical stages (prodromal, vesicular,  most notably the clinical  morbidities  of
        and ulcerative) are the same. Scabbing does  pain, possible transmission of the virus to  Etiology: There is no known etiology.
        not occur in a wet environment, therefore  others, and social embarrassment.
        intraoral  lesions  do  not  form  a  crust  but                          Clinical:  Recurrent minor aphthous ul-
        heal from the bottom up and periphery in.  Treatment: Current care  has centered  on  cers or recurrent aphthous stomatitis  are
        Herpes labialis develops only on the ver-  both topical and systemic antiviral thera-  commonly  known by the general popula-
        million border of the lip and is considered  pies. These antiviral medications interrupt  tion as canker sores. They are clearly de-
        to be of skin or cutaneous origin. As such,  the HSV1 replication in the host cell  ge-  fined, shallow, round or oval lesions with
        following the rupture of the herpes labia-  nome on an enzymatic  level.  With ‘cold  a necrotic fibrinous center covered with a
        lis vesicles, the lesion will go through the  sores’ the  host cells  affected  are  in  the  yellow-grayish  pseudomembrane  and sur-
        following  stages: soft crust,  hard  crust,  stratified squamous epithelium of the ver-  rounded  by an  erythematous  halo.  Minor
        then scab.  It is important to remember that  milion border of the lip. Without treatment  aphthous ulcers are less than one centime-
        the patient is contagious through the scab  secondary herpetic lesions will resolve on  ter in size, last 7 to 10 days, and only occur
        stage and they should be aware that they  their  own, typically  within  8 to 10  days.  on the movable oral mucosa, labial mucosa,
        could transmit the virus to others (Figures  They are self-limiting.  However, the goal  buccal mucosa, tongue, floor of mouth and
        11-17).  Regardless of whether the patient  of treatment  is to reduce  the  severity  of  soft palate. They resolve on their own with-
                                                                                  out  treatment  and  heal  without  scarring.
                                                                                  They are quite common, often presenting
                                                                                  with more than one ulcer and are far more
                                                                                  painful than they should be for their size
                                                                                  (Figures 18- 20).

        Figures 11-13. Herpes recurrans.

        Figure 14. Herpes labialis crust. Figures 15-16. Herpes labialis ulcers.
                                             the symptoms and to limit the duration of
                                             the lesions.  Treatment modalities  include
                                             over-the-counter  and  prescription  topical
                                             medications  as well as systemic antiviral
                                             medication. If the patient is able to inter-
                                             rupt the viral replication with the antiviral
                                             medication, it is possible to abort the lesion
                                             thereby reducing the size, severity and du-
            Figure 17. Herpes labialis vesicle.
                                             ration of the lesion.
        had primary herpetic  gingivostomatitis  or
        an asymptomatic response to their initial   Minor Aphthous Ulcers
        exposure to the herpes virus, 40-60% of                                       Figures 18-20. Minor aphthous ulcers.
        the population will, at some point during   Etiology: There are many known and un-
        the course of their life, develop a second-  known etiologies for ulcerations in the oral
        ary manifestation of herpes, most often   cavity.  Some are associated with systemic  Age/Sex/Race: Minor aphthous ulcers typ-
        herpes labialis, also known as a cold sore   diseases like Beçhets and Crohn’s. Others  ically  begin in childhood  or adolescence,
        or fever blister, or herpes recurrans, which   are  considered  aphthous-type  ulcerations  age 10–19. However, they occur in both
        presents on the attached keratinized muco-  (major, minor  and herpetiform) with no  children and adults, and are occasional-
        sa of the oral cavity. It remains unknown   known etiology. Lastly, some can be con-  ly associated with hormonal changes in
        what reactivates the virus from its dormant   sidered traumatic in origin associated with  women. They are slightly more common in
        state to the active state, but personal trig-  dentures, calculus and accidental trauma.   women than men; there is a 1.3:1 female to
                                                                                  male predilection. Race is not relevant.
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