Page 11 - GP Fall 2022_Neat
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to appear several months later localized  easting, especially hot and spicy foods. The  cell  carcinoma.  There  is  approximately  a
        to the head, trunk, and intertriginous sites  main difference between the two is that  1.5% increased risk for patients with lichen
        (Figures 23-25).                     pemphigus is considered to be potentially  planus to develop squamous cell carcino-
                                             fatal while pemphigoid is not.  They are  ma  in the  affected  areas.  Although oral
                                             both autoimmune diseases, self-attacking  lichen  planus  was originally  described  in
                                             self, however the location of the auto an-  1889, the true etiology and pathogenesis of
                                             tibodies attacking the antigens is different.  oral lichen planus remains unknown. It is
                                             In pemphigoid, the basal cell lay separates  seen in both skin and mucous membranes
                                             from the connective tissue, the epithelium  although  many  patients  will  present  with
                                             remains intact, and the separation is at the  either  mucous membrane  or skin mani-
                                             lamina  propria.  With  pemphigus  vulgar-  festations of the disease. Patients with li-
                                             is the body is attacking the ‘cement’ that  chen planus may experience flares if they
                                             keeps the desmosomes attached  to each  also have active Hepatitis C, an increase in
                                             other in the epithelium. As the attachments  stress, and specific food exposures such as
                                             break apart, serum from the connective  tomatoes, oranges, vinegar, pineapple and
                                             tissue  leaks out and  the  patients without  seasoned dishes. Foods are not an allergic
                                             intervention will die like burn victims die  reaction,  however they are an irritation.
                                             from serum loss, electrolyte imbalance and  Others  may  experience  flares  following
                                             eventually kidney failure. Both conditions  dental  procedures.  It  may  be  associated
                                             are treated with topical and systemic ste-  with connective tissue disorders and some
                                             roids as needed, along with immunosup-  systemic diseases, as well as alcohol and
                                             pressant medications. The fatality rate has  tobacco abuse. It is difficult to quantify and
                                             much  improved  with  patients  who have  measure how psychological factors pro-
                                             pemphigus vulgaris, however, due to its  mote the exacerbation of oral lichen pla-
                                             potentially  fatal  nature,  it is imperative  nus, but it is a known statistical association
                                             that a physician also be involved with the  and not purely anecdotal information.
                                             patients’ care. Both diseases will wax and
            Figures 23-25. Pemphigus vulgaris.  wane, and are often associated with chang-  Clinical:  Oral  lichen  planus  has  specific
                                             es in lifestyle and increased levels of stress.   and  clearly  identifiable  features,  usual-
                                             Although both diseases can present in pa-  ly presenting as either the reticular or the
        Age/Sex/Race:  Pemphigus  vulgaris  is   tients of any age/sex or race, both are more   erosive form.  The reticular  form is more
        seen in middle aged and elderly patients,   common in women over the age of 40 with   commonly referred to as Wickham striae,
        predominantly female, with an Ashkenazi   an Ashkenazi Jewish background. Neither   which  is  characterized  by  slightly  raised
        Jewish or Mediterranean background.  disease can be cured, therefore the best we   hyperkeratotic white lacy streaks with dis-
                                             can do for our patients is treat them palli-  crete erythematous borders. This presenta-
        Treatment: These patients should be man-  atively. Remember that those patients with   tion is different from the other forms of oral
        aged by a physician as pemphigus vulgaris   confirmed cases of pemphigoid need a re-  lichen planus; the plaque form, the bullous
        is a potentially fatal disease. In fact, before   ferral to an eye doctor to prevent or treat   form,  and the  dysplastic  forms are  much
        the advent of medications including antibi-  symblepharon.  A  biopsy  diagnosis  along   less common. When the dorsal tongue is in-
        otics and immunosuppressant medications,   with  immunofluorescent  blood  work  will   volved, the lesions tend to present as kera-
        it was uniformly fatal. The main treatments   provide the information needed to treat the   totic plaques surrounded by slight erosions.
        are palliative as it cannot be cured,  includ-  patient appropriately.    Wickham striae typically cause no discom-
        ing systemic  and topical  steroids along                                 fort, nor do the keratotic areas on the dor-
        with immunosuppressants as needed.  To   Oral  Lichen  Planus vs. Cheek  Biting  sal tongue. Patients occasionally complain
        maintain their oral health, it is recommend-  (Morsicatio Buccarum)       of roughness in the area of hyperkeratosis
        ed to gently brush with a soft toothbrush,                                but not of pain. Erosive lichen planus often
        use  nonalcoholic  based  mouth  rinses  and  Oral Lichen Planus          presents as thin and erythematous mucosa
        have frequent dental  hygiene treatments.                                 surrounded by radiating  thin  Wickham’s
        Ultrasonic scaling should be avoided.  Etiology: Lichen planus is one of the most   striations. The erosive form of oral lichen
                                             common mucocutaneous diseases that   planus is more problematic to the patient as
        Comparison of Mucous Membrane  presents in the oral cavity. The prevalence   the erythematous atrophic mucosa is often
        Pemphigoid vs. Pemphigus Vulgaris    in the general population is 1% to 2%. Mi-  sensitive. If the erosion is severe and the
                                             croscopically, there is a liquifying degen-  epithelium  separates,  it  is called bullous
        Pemphigus and pemphigoid often present   eration of the basal cell layer with a thick
        with  similar  findings  especially  in  early   band of lymphocytes below the affected   lichen  planus.  It  is  important  to  confirm
        manifestations of the disease. Patients re-  tissues. Of concern  is the  predilection  of   the diagnosis by biopsy and immunofluo-
        port sore irritated inflamed gingiva, a pos-  patients with oral lichen planus, especially   rescence, if necessary. The lesions should
        itive  Nikolsky sign and discomfort with   the erosive type, to develop oral squamous   be watched regularly due to the malignant
                                                                                  potential  of oral lichen  planus, especially
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