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2022 AGD Leadership Development Symposium:

                    “Extraordinary Leaders in Extraordinary Times”

                                            Author: Seung-Hee Rhee, DDS, MAGD

        The 2022  AGD Leadership Development  note address by Dr. Bruce Burton, an AGD  President of NYSAGD.  Even though they
        Symposium, hosted by the AGD Regional  Past President, who spoke about “Keys to  are both seasoned leaders of AGD, Dr. Ve-
        Directors, took place on April 1-2, 2022 at  Leadership – Surviving and Thriving in  itz-Keenan and Dr. Keenan, both remarked
        the  Swissotel  in  Downtown  Chicago,  IL.  Extraordinary Times.” Afterwards, the at-  that they learned a lot about developing their

        The symposium, which takes place every  tendees were divided into three groups and  leadership skills at this symposium and are
        two years, was attended by over one hundred  through intimate sessions and group discus-  excited to implement what they have learned
        AGD members.  It is designed to motivate,  sions, they learned about the true meaning  to bring the NYSAGD to the next level.
        engage, and equip new and seasoned AGD  of leadership, identifying their strengths, and
        leaders with the necessary tools to become  developing techniques that build confidence.  The  symposium came to  an  end  on  Satur-

        “Extraordinary Leaders in Extraordi-  Throughout the symposium, the underlying  day morning with closing remarks from Dr.
        nary Times.”                         message was clear:  That a leader is not born,  Bruce DeGinder, another AGD Past Presi-
                                             but made through  hard work and dedication.  dent,  who  concluded  the  symposium  with
        During the one and a half days of the sympo-                              “Pulling it All Together.” The 2022 AGD
        sium, AGD’s own experienced and inspiring  NYSAGD was honored to have two of its vol-  Leadership Development Symposium was
        volunteer  leaders  shared  their  knowledge  unteer leaders selected to attend this import-  made possible thanks to our generous spon-
        and experiences through a variety of collab-  ant  symposium:    Dr. Analia Veitz-Keenan,  sors, Crest Plus Oral B and Hagan Insur-
        orative and interactive sessions.  The LDS  DDS – President Elect of NYSAGD - and  ance Group.
        began Friday morning with a stirring key-  Dr.  James  Keenan,  DDS,  MAGD  –  Past

        Drs. Gerald Botko, James Keenan   Drs. James Keenan, Analia Veitz-Keenan   Drs. Seung-Hee Rhee and    Drs. Gerald Botko and
        and Analia Veitz-Keenan.    and Seung-Hee Rhee.            Bruce DeGinder.         James Keenan.
                                            Life-long Leadership

                                          Author: James R. Keenan, DDS, MS, MAGD

        Although I had already attended an AGD  with many colleagues and friends and to  rience  with  the  COVID  pandemic  along
        Leadership  Development  Symposium   meet  so  many  talented  and  enthusiastic  with the diverse and evolving needs of our
        (LDS) in Chicago in 2010 and served as  emerging leaders.                 colleagues, especially our recent graduates
        the  NYSAGD  President  during  2017,  I                                  and new dentists. However, it is vital that
        had a strong belief that I could still bene-  Dr. Bruce Burton (2005-2006), Dr. Bruce  we uphold the core values of the AGD and
        fit from attending the AGD LDS this past  DeGinder  (2006-2007), and  Dr. David  its mission of advocacy for the general den-
        April.  Since 2010, there have been signif-  Halpern  (2009-2010),  who had  already  tist, the promotion of CE, and the preser-
        icant changes in the views of younger fel-  served  as  AGD Presidents, were  highly  vation and promotion of the oral health of
        low dentists with regards to participation  instrumental  in providing  an informative,  the public as we find and implement ways
        in  organized  dentistry  and  the  structuring  thought-provoking,  and  motivational  pro-  to pass on the many benefits that member-
        of continuing education delivery modes. I  gram. Collectively, they demonstrated true  ship in the AGD has to offer. I encourage
        want to be more effective in relating to and  leadership qualities by continuing to serve  new leaders to emerge and past officers to
        communicating with a younger generation  the AGD  despite  not  being  in  office  and  continue to serve as “life-long leaders” as
        of dentists to promote their membership in  having an even more significant roles in de-  we expand and strengthen the Academy of
        the AGD and to engage their participation  veloping emerging leaders and reinforcing  General Dentistry.
        in AGD-related  programs  and  events,  in-  the benefits offered by AGD membership,
        cluding leadership development.                                                         Dr. James Keenan is a
                                             I  have  a  strong  belief  that  myself  along    Clinical  Assistant  Pro-
        The  LDS exceeded my expectations and  with others who have previously served as        fessor at  NYU College  of
        proved to be more beneficial than the one  officers  in  the AGD  have  an  ongoing  re-  Dentistry, Oral and Maxil-
        which I attended in 2010. I would like to  sponsibility to facilitate the development of   lofacial Pathology, Radiol-
        commend  the  organizers  and  the  partici-  emerging leaders on the local and national   ogy and Medicine.
        pants for their time and efforts in present-  levels. We cannot overlook the challenges
        ing an impactful program for our emerging  that we face brought on by an unprece-
        leaders.  It  was  such  a  pleasure  to  reunite  dented  disruptive  and life-changing expe-
                                                                             l Fall 2022 l GP 15
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