Page 17 - GP Fall 2022_Neat
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for her edentulous space #8. Results from of dental implant failure. One of the studies istered for systemic diseases on the osseointegra-
retrospective studies should be interpreted reported that patients using chronic cortico- tion and survival of dental implants placed without
with caution since multiple sources of bias steroid therapy before the placement of the bone grafting-A retrospective study in 31 patients.
for comparing outcomes could be present. implant actually had less chance of experi- J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2017 Aug;45(8):1197-
1200. doi: 10.1016/j.jcms.2017.05.023. Epub
encing implant failure. 2017 Jun 4. PMID: 28684069.
Other factors might negatively influence 7. Weinstein RS,Glucocorticoid-Induced Oste-
the survival of dental implants. We have to In conclusion, the patient should not be ex- oporosis and Osteonecrosis, Endocrinology and
reevaluate whether it is plausible for us to cluded from pursuing dental implants due to Metabolism Clinics of North America,Volume
continue with the treatment option of a den- the medication that she is currently taking. It 41, Issue 3,2012.
tal implant. seems that a patient’s use of corticosteroids 8. Carr AB, Revuru VS, Lohse CM. Risk of
should not be a contraindication for dental Dental Implant Failure Associated With Medi-
Discussion implants. It appears that it is also acceptable cation Use. J Prosthodont. 2019 Aug;28(7):743-
749. doi: 10.1111/jopr.12773. Epub 2018 Mar 5.
Although the authors of the two studies to prescribe corticosteroids after dental im- PMID: 29508502.
that we reviewed agreed on the notion that plant placement, as it is unlikely to have a 9. Ouanounou A, Hassanpour S, Glogauer M.
chronic use of corticosteroids did not impact significant effect on the success or failure of THE INFLUENCE OF SYSTEMIC MEDI-
success or failure rate of dental implants, the implant. However, other risk factors still CATIONS ON OSSEOINTEGRATION OF
both studies were at risk of bias due to their should be considered to accurately predict DENTAL IMPLANTS. J Can Dent Assoc. 2016
retrospective design. In a single cohort the success of the implant placement. 9,10 Apr;82:g7. PMID: 27548672.
study, it is difficult to draw conclusions that
would apply to more varied populations. References Yoonsuk Choi is a stu-
The medication use was assumed based on 1. Mavrogenis AF, Dimitriou R, Parvizi J, Ba- dent at NYU College of
the prescription records and not compliance bis GC. Biology of implant osseointegration. Dentistry in the Class
J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact. 2009 Apr-
records; thus, medication adherence could Jun;9(2):61-71. PMID: 19516081. 2023.
not be assured. While the study conducted 2. Cobo-Vázquez C, Reininger D, Moline-
by Carr et. al., utilized a long and wide range ro-Mourelle P, González-Serrano J, Guisa-
of follow-up periods, with a maximum fol- do-Moya B, López-Quiles J. Effect of the lack of
low-up of 27.4 years, the study conducted primary stability in the survival of dental implants.
by Petsinis et al., had a mean follow-up of J Clin Exp Dent. 2018 Jan 1;10(1):e14-e19. doi: Angela De Bartolo, DDS
is a Clinical Associate
71 months. 10.4317/jced.54441. PMID: 29670710; PMCID:
PMC5899809. Professor at NYU Col-
3. Hjalmarsson L, Gheisarifar M, Jemt T. A sys- lege of Dentistry in the
Both studies used medical profiles of a pa- tematic review of survival of single implants Department of Cariolo-
tient population derived from complete ac- as presented in longitudinal studies with a fol- gy and Comprehensive
cess to patient records. Using those records, low-up of at least 10 years. Eur J Oral Implantol. Care and she is a Group
they were able to successfully avoid con- 2016;9 Suppl 1:S155-62. PMID: 27314122. Practice Director.
founding variables. 4. Chappuis V, Avila-Ortiz G, Araújo MG, Mon-
je A. Medication-related dental implant failure: Analia Veitz-Keenan,
To introduce our own bias before perform- Systematic review and meta-analysis. Clin Oral DDS is a Clinical Pro-
ing the literature review, we presumed that Implants Res. 2018 Oct;29 Suppl 16:55-68. doi: fessor at NYU College
10.1111/clr.13137. PMID: 30328197.
corticosteroids would have negative ef- 5. Rice JB, White AG, Scarpati LM, Wan G, of Dentistry Department
fects on dental implant survival based on Nelson WW. Long-term Systemic Corticoste- Oral Maxillofacial Pa-
the effect of chronic use of corticosteroids roid Exposure: A Systematic Literature Review. thology, Radiology and
on bone metabolism and osseointegration. Clin Ther. 2017 Nov;39(11):2216-2229. doi: Medicine and Epide-
Contrary to our beliefs, both studies agreed 10.1016/j.clinthera.2017.09.011. Epub 2017 Oct miology and Health Promotion and the
that there is no significant association be- 19. PMID: 29055500. NYSAGD President-Elect.
6. Petsinis V, Kamperos G, Alexandridi F, Alexan-
tween corticosteroid use and increased risk dridis K. The impact of glucocorticosteroids admin-
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