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to  not  create  air  bubbles  (Figure  8).  The  Conclusion              to treat gingival recession associated with
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                                             use of a flowable opaquer with microfilled  rameters  of  resin-modified  glass-ionomer
                                             composite  seems an  excellent  material  to  materials  and  a  polyacid-modified  res-
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                                             vaes AB Jr. Root coverage of gingival re-          Columbia University
        Figure 10.  Adapting heated composite to the   cessions with non-carious cervical lesions:
        tooth.                               a controlled clinical trial. Clin Oral Inves-      School  of  Dental and
        This technique results in excess at the buc-  tig. 2020 Dec;24(12):4583-4589.           Volker has published
        cal region that is easily removed by a large  8. Santamaria  MP, Mathias-Santamaria     articles and lectures
        tapered  diamond (Figure 11). Figure 12  IF, Ferraz LFF, Casarin RCV, Romito GA,   nationally and internationally on such
        demonstrates the final result after finishing  Sallum  EA, Pini-Prato  GP, Casati  MZ.   topics as cosmetic dentistry, minimally
        and polishing.                       Rethinking the decision-making  process   invasive  dentistry,  and  dental
                                                                                   materials.  He practices  at Dent-Care
                                                                                   Dental in Sunnyside, New York.

                                                                                                Dr. Soleymani graduat-
                                                                                                ed  from the  Columbia
                                                                                                University College  of
                                                                                                Dental Medicine.  He
                                                                                                practices at Dent-Care
                                                                                                Dental in Sunnyside,
        Figure 11.  Removing  cervical  excess with  a  Figure 12. Post-op frontal view.        New York.
        large tapered diamond bur.

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