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approximately 2.5% of adults in the United States have valvular   Monitoring vital signs routinely would also enable dental pro-
      disease, and valvular heart disease is more prominent in the elder-  fessionals to keep records of baseline vital signs. Documenting
      ly population.  Treatments of valvular heart disease involve heart   baseline vital signs would provide dentists an objective measure
      valve replacement or repair surgery. 18                  to monitor overall health of each patient and ultimately promote
                                                               patient-centered care. Baseline vital signs would serve as a standard
      Other systemic complications related to hypertension     that dentists could refer to in the case of a medical emergency.
      About 85 to 95% of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD)   Antihypertensive medications
      are reported to have hypertension.  CKD and hypertension have
      a bidirectional relationship: hypertension is both a common cause   Beta-blockers,  diuretics,  angiotensin-converting  enzyme  inhib-
      and result of CKD. Hypertension can lead to CKD by causing in-  itors (ACE-Is), angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs), calcium
      jury to the kidneys and eventually leading to glomerulosclerosis,   channel blockers (CCBs), and alpha blockers are the most com-
      which is scarring of glomerulus in the kidneys. CKD resulting from   monly used antihypertensive regimens.  Since these medications
      hypertension would further exacerbate hypertension since damage   are frequently encountered  , dental professionals should familiar-
      in the kidneys and decreased glomerular filtration rate (GFR) would   ize themselves with side effects and drug-drug interactions of these
      impair excretion of sodium and ultimately damage pathways that   regimens (Table 2). 24,26
      regulate blood pressure such as renin angiotensin aldosterone sys-
      tem (RAAS). Thus, it is important to control the blood pressure   Drug  Systemic side   Dental side   Drug
      of patients with CKD. Failure to maintain the optimal blood pres-    effects        effects      interactions
      sure can lead to accelerated progression to end-stage renal disease
      (ESRD) which would require a renal transplant or renal replace-  Beta-   Orthostatic   Dry mouth,   NSAIDs,
      ment therapy.  According to the ACC/AHA guidelines published   blockers  hypotension,   dysgeusia,   epineph-
      in 2017, the recommended optimal target blood pressure in patients   blood dyscrasia   lichenoid   rine (only
      with CKD and hypertension is lower than 130/80mmHg.  Treat-                         reaction     non-selective
      ment of CKD often involves antihypertensive medications such as                                  beta-blockers),
      angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE-Is) and angioten-                                  local anesthetics
      sin II receptor blockers (ARBs). 22                       Diuretics  Orthostatic    Dry mouth,   NSAIDs,
      Another commonly seen systemic complication related to hyperten-     hypotension,   lichenoid    barbiturates,
      sion is stroke. Stroke is a condition in which focal blockage of ce-  blood dyscrasia  reaction  fluconazole
      rebral, spinal, or retinal blood supply or cerebral hemorrhage caus-  ACE    Orthostatic    Dry mouth,   NSAIDs
      es neurological dysfunction. Hypertension significantly increases   inhibitors  hypotension,   ageusia,
      the risk of stroke since it would increase the risk of infarction and   dry cough,   burning
      hemorrhage. Thus, it is imperative that clinicians control hyperten-  neutropenia,   mouth,
      sion. About 30% of stroke recurrence was successfully prevented      delayed healing,  ulceration,
      through managing hypertension via antihypertensive regimens.         gingival bleeding  angioedema
      Management of patients with hypertension and complications   ARBs    Orthostatic    Dry mouth,   Systemic
      from hypertensive heart diseases                                     hypotension,   angioedema,   antifungal,
                                                                           cough          sinusitis,   sedatives
      Routine monitoring of vital signs                                                   ageusia
                                                                CCBs       Orthostatic    Gingival     NSAIDs,
      Monitoring patient’s vital signs and evaluating for hypertension can   hypotension,   enlargement,  aspirin, ben-
      enable dental professionals to enhance the comprehensive care of     erythema       dry mouth,   zodiazepines,
      their patients. Despite the high prevalence of hypertension and the   multiforme    dysgeusia    parenteral an-
      complications of hypertensive heart disease, there is still a stagger-                           esthetic agents,
      ing number of patients with undiagnosed hypertension: about 30%                                  erythromycin,
      of patients have undiagnosed hypertension in the United States.                                  clarithromycin
      Since most hypertension and complications of hypertensive heart
      disease  are  asymptomatic,  many  patients  are  unaware  that  they   Alpha   Orthostatic   Dry mouth  NSAIDs, CNS
      have hypertension or complications of hypertensive heart disease   blockers  hypotension         depressant,
      until their conditions deteriorate. Thus, taking vital signs on a reg-                           salicylates
      ular basis on patients enables dentists to operate as the frontline of
      detection and prevention of the problem. Early detection of hyper-  Direct-   Orthostatic   Increased   NSAIDs,
      tension would reduce the number of systemic complications related   acting    hypotension,   risk of    opioids
      to hypertension and ultimately  decrease morbidity and mortality   vasodilators  blood dyscrasia,  gingival
      rate related to hypertension.                                        lymphadenopathy  bleeding and
      In  addition  to  the  high  prevalence  of  undiagnosed  hypertension,             facial flushing
      there is still a high number of uncontrolled hypertensive patients.   Data from Refs. [24],[26].
      About 44% of hypertensive patients are only getting minimal blood
      pressure control, with readings less than 140/90mmHg, and only   Table 2. Side effects and drug interactions of antihypertensive medications
      24% of hypertensive patients are getting optimal  blood pressure   that are of interest to dental providers
      control, with readings equal to or less than 130/80mmHg.  Taking
      vital signs routinely in the dental clinic would serve as a reminder
      for hypertensive patients to take medications regularly and reassure
      them about the importance of controlling their high blood pressure.
                                                                             l Fall 2022 l GP 23
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