Page 20 - GP Fall 2024
P. 20
A Comprehensive Social Media Analysis of
the SmileDirectClub Bankruptcy
Authors: Tal Sahar, MS, BS, Gal Sahar, BS, Emily Silman, BS, Analia Veitz-Keenan, DDS, FAGD
Abstract: moil, reporting nearly $900 million of debt Objectives:
More adults have been opting for orthodon- (SmileDirectClub). As a result, the compa- This study aimed to assess the comments
tic dental treatments in recent years. Clear ny was forced to close, leaving its patients and concerns of patients directly affected by
aligner therapy has gained popularity among with numerous unanswered questions. Al- Smile Direct Club and the bankruptcy. This
individuals who often find themselves in though SmileDirectClub had contractual study will help providers understand how
public or professional settings. Despite its agreements guaranteeing lifetime warranty clear aligner therapy companies can affect
marketing efforts, SmileDirectClub faced on appliances, patient-centered care, re- the dental profession.
challenges that led to struggles, ultimately fund opportunities, and efficient doctor-pa-
forcing the closure of its operations. There tient dialogue, the company has failed to Methodology:
are concerns about the commitments made communicate whether it will uphold these The study gathered data from the 2 social
media platforms and searched for patient
by Smile Direct Club that have left patients agreements (SmileDirectClub). responses. To collect data, an Excel sheet
unsure of their financial and treatment-relat- The aim of the study is to gain clinically rel- was created for the three authors to extract
ed fate. This study aimed to understand the evant insights into the thoughts, beliefs, and the data needed for the study. The data ex-
thoughts and concerns of Smile Direct Club concerns expressed by patients of Smile Di- traction includes monetary reimbursement,
Patients by analyzing raw and unfiltered rect Club by analyzing the raw and real-time discontinuing the treatment, concerns re-
conversations on social media platforms discussions on social media platforms such garding esthetics, problems with current
like TikTok, Instagram, and Reddit.
as TikTok and Reddit, and provide dentists dentition, losing the lifetime warranty, and
with an alternative perspective on how to quality of life. The de-identified data col-
The findings revealed dissatisfaction with approach and treat these patients who have lected was stored in an NYU password-pro-
common themes reflecting feelings of frus- sought dental assistance after dealing with tected folder. A search was conducted on
tration and confusion, concerns for future Smile Direct Club. various social media sites” TikTok, Insta-
payments and refunds, unsatisfactory re- gram, X (Twitter), and Reddit. Terms used
sults, and issues associated with dentition. Introduction: in the search box were “Smile Direct Club,”
Clear aligner therapy, known for its trans- “Smile Direct Club treatment,” and “Smile
Background: parency and ease of removal, offers a more
In recent years, there has been an exponen- convenient treatment approach for patients Direct Club therapy.” Exclusion criteria in-
tial increase in the demand for esthetic or- interested in more subtle and comfortable cluded posts or comments commenting on
thodontic dental treatment within the adult alternatives to traditional braces. 2,7,8 Smile- a different clear aligner company, positive
outcomes unrelated to the bankruptcy, posts
population. As a result, clear aligner ther- DirectClub, a teledental platform special- before January 2021, and comment sections
apy has become a more popular treatment izing in aligner treatment for orthodontic with less than 8 other relevant comments.
approach, particularly for patients who of- purposes, was established in 2014 to offer A total of 2327 posts were reviewed, with
ten find themselves in the public and pro- this convenient approach faster and more 1017 moving to critical analysis after 1310
fessional eye. Acting as a transparent and cost-effectively (SmileDirectClub). In con- were removed due to exclusion criteria.
removable appliance, clear aligner therapy trast to many companies that provide clear Usernames will not be incorporated into the
has proven to be a more practical approach aligner therapy, SmileDirectClub serves its data analysis as they are not needed for the
for patients seeking discreet and comfort- patients through online interaction mailing purpose of the study.
able alternatives to traditional fixed appli- services. They would send impression kits
ances, such as braces. 6 directly to patient’s homes, and the molds Results:
would be returned to the company for The results of this study are to provide den-
SmileDirectClub, a teledental platform spe- evaluation by nearly 250 orthodontic and tal practitioners with the current knowledge
cializing in orthodontic clear aligner treat- dental professionals worldwide (SmileDi- about this problem and to provide future
ments, was founded in 2014. The company rectClub). Despite being well-marketed, patients with updated and more optimal
aimed to provide a faster, more accessible, SmileDirectClub experienced financial dif- patient-centered care. 649 posts were ap-
and more affordable treatment alternative to ficulties, revealing an outstanding debt of praised to find themes observed, and 2,408
fixed appliances. Unlike other clear align- nearly $900 million (SmileDirectClub). entries were evaluated within these posts.
er therapy companies, SmileDirectClub 213 posts and 465 comments were exclud-
catered to its patients through online and The company’s closure was due to finan- ed, while 1,943 comments were included.
mailing platforms. They would ship impres- cial difficulties, leaving patients with unan- Focusing on the 1,583 comments with clin-
sion kits directly to patients’ homes, and the swered questions. While SmileDirectClub’s ically relevant themes, the most common
molds would be returned to the company for contracts promised lifetime warranties on themes were: ‘Expression in words of an-
review by nearly 250 orthodontic and dental appliances, patented-centered care, refund ger/confusion’ (28%), ‘Concerned about re-
practitioners worldwide (SmileDirectClub). options, and effective doctor-patient com- ceiving a refund and/or needing to continue
munication, there has been no indication of to pay’ (27.9%), ‘Not happy with how teeth
Despite being a well-marketed compa- whether these commitments will be honored look’ (13%),‘dentition problems’ (10.8%),
ny, SmileDirectClub faced financial tur- (SmileDirectClub). ‘Paid and will not receive’ (9.5%), ‘Con- l Fall 2024 l GP 20