Page 26 - ActivateHealingPowerWithin
P. 26

I got lost in a residential area of New Delhi,

                                             on  my  way  to  visit

                                             Gandhi’s  tomb.  The
                                             gentleman  I  asked

                                             directions            from

                                             invited  me  to  the
                                             residence  of  Indira

                                             Gandhi,  the  Prime
                                             Minister of India.

                                             I had the privilege of

               chatting with her for 45-minutes, in French,
               about her schooling time in Switzerland, in

               the same village where I had lived.

               Although  we  may  feel  lost…  the  Universe
               could have other plans for us.

               After  the  3-month  trip,  from  London  to

               Kathmandu,  I  spent  3  months  in  Nepal,
               where  I  rented  a  room  on  the  outskirt  of

               Kathmandu, in Patan.

               The picture is the gorgeous view I had of the
               Himalaya range.

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