Page 47 - The Digital Cloth - Issue 5
P. 47

I live in a small village in                   It’s fascinating to see the
 Beyond the Surface         England, where it often rains                 surfaces reveal.
                                                                          shapes and textures that the
                            the North West of
                                                                          It is these images that are
                            and where I often walk over
                                                                          my inspiration.
                            the nearby Lancashire Pennine
                            moors and around the local
                            reservoirs.                                   My work is driven by my
                                                                          insatiable appetite to
                                                                          experiment with a wide range
 Marian Jazmik              The inspiration for my work                   of materials. I often use
                                                                          household products that we
                            comes from the photographs
                            I take whilst out walking.                    would otherwise discard.
                            I use my camera phone and                     Ranging from plastic food
                            literally take photographs                    packaging, polythene bags,
                            of the nature I observe. I                    plastic piping, wire, straws,
                            am particularly inspired by                   paper cake cases, cotton
                            the lichen and fungi I come                   buds, plastic screws and
                            across on the hills and in                    washers from the DIY store,
                            the hedgerows along the paths                 hair bobbles, garden netting
                            and forest areas through                      and much, much more! My
                            which I walk.                                 workroom abounds with a
                            Once home I download the                      wonderful eclectic mix of
                            photographs on to the                         what others would call
                            computer and then enlarge                     ‘rubbish’
                            them in order to make                         I do not use a sketch book
                            ‘macro’ images and                            although I often have a vague
                            revealing the textures not                    idea of what I think I would
                            visible to the naked eye. I                   like to produce inspired by
                            spend a while at the                          my photographs.
                            computer exploring the                        I usually start a new piece
                            surface textures recorded.                    of work by selecting a wide
                            This usually involves quite a                 range of fabrics (often
                            lot of ‘cropping’ and the                     picked up in the remnant bin)
                            enlargement of chosen                         and I set about the
                            sections to the point that                    construction and
                            the original image becomes                    deconstruction of
                            almost unrecognizable.                        materials in order to produce
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