Page 10 - Prayer Ascends - English
P. 10
child. They are now advanced in years – maybe in their late
forties, and just a bit discouraged. So what did they do? Well,
I have a feeling from the context of this passage of scripture,
that this couple, just a little bit disappointed with God, had
stopped praying for that specific need for the child.
It’s very much like us. We pray fervently for something that
we think must be the will of God for us… once… twice…
twenty five times…. for one year, two years.... and then
we gradually stop praying for that need after a while. We
change the direction of our prayers. We say, “Oh, maybe it’s
not God’s will to give us this specific prayer request” and
so we begin to pray about other things. But we are kind of
disappointed and we enter into a kind of unbelief about the
effectiveness of prayer.
We say in our hearts, “Oh sure God has answered many of
our other prayers… (hundreds of them) but the main prayer
of my life, the biggest one He has not answered.”
Maybe you are single and want to get married and the right
guy or girl has not come along yet. Maybe you’re a parent
praying for a son or daughter and they haven’t turned to
God yet. Maybe you’re in ministry or in business and have
seen a lot of small answers to prayer but your larger vision
hasn’t yet unfolded. So because that ‘big’ prayer is taking its
time to be answered, you start losing your faith. You start
being less fervent in prayer.