Page 11 - Prayer Ascends - English
P. 11

Chapter Two

                 THREE AMAZING TRUTHS

         I believe that there are 3 wonderful truths that God wants
         us  to  learn  from  this  passage  in  Luke  chapter  1.  So  pay
         attention, because though each truth is simple, it is loaded
         with significance.

          The First Truth Is - OUR PRAYERS ASCEND AND
                       REMAIN BEFORE GOD

          The fervent prayers of the godly are never wasted. They
         ascend  as  incense  before  God  and  He  remembers  and
         records them!!’
         Read Luke 1: 8 - 10 with me -“Now it happened that while he
         (Zacharias) was performing his priestly service before God in
         the appointed order of his division, according to the custom
         of the priestly office, he was chosen by lot to enter the temple

         of  the  Lord  and  burn  incense. And  the  whole  multitude  of
         the people were in prayer outside at the hour of the incense
         offering” (Luke 1:8-10).

         According to the custom, Zacharias was chosen by lot to
         enter the Temple of the Lord and burn incense while the
         whole  multitudes  of  the  people  were  in  prayer  outside.
         Since there were 24,000 priests divided into 24 divisions,
         and  Zacharias  belonged  to  the  eight  division  of  Abijah,
         this  privilege  for  Zacharias  to  burn  incense  in  the  Holy
         place in the temple, would probably come just once in his
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