Page 15 - Prayer Ascends - English
P. 15
prayers when prayed at anytime, with godly pure faith filled
hearts rise up to heaven like incense. They do not just leave
our mouths and evaporate in the atmosphere. They do not
bounce off God’s ears. They ascend BEFORE GOD!! Even
more amazing, we are told that they are collected in golden
bowls by the angels in heaven and remain as a memorial
recorded in Heaven. Hallelujah!!
Why would God preserve our prayers in costly golden bowls
in heaven? For the same reason that ladies would preserve
their costliest treasures in a jewelry safe. Our prayers are
constantly before God and are precious to Him.
The Second Truth Is - OUR PRAYERS ARE
Years and years have passed. Zacharias and Elizabeth have
forgotten their prayers for a child. Then suddenly one day
as Zacharias is in the temple still faithfully serving God
and occupied with the burning of incense, God sends the
In Luke 1:11 -13 we read, “And an angel of the Lord
appeared to him, standing to the right of the altar of
incense. Zacharias was troubled when he saw the angel,
and fear gripped him. But the angel said to him, “Do not
be afraid, Zacharias, for your petition has been heard, and
your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you will give
him the name John.”
Now when we first hear the angel’s words, we might be
inclined to think that Zacharias had been currently praying