Page 17 - Prayer Ascends - English
P. 17
John. Zacharias and Elizabeth had only prayed for a child.
God gave them more than a child. God gave them a child
who would be a prophet, a forerunner of the Messiah and
a servant of God .
Zacharias’ name in Hebrew means “God remembers”.
Elizabeth’s name in Hebrew means “His promise”;
John’s name means “a grace gift”. Put it together - “God
remembers His promise and gave them a gift”. Doesn’t
He always? It reminds us of James 1:17 - “Every good and
perfect gift comes from our Father in whom there is no
Why did God put this story in the beginning of the Gospel
of Luke? Why did God choose to showcase an aged couple
calling forth a miraculous answer to prayer? Because God
often meet us when we have no strength but a lot of faith.
He often meets us in a way that brings Him maximum
glory!! I have realized after years of Pastoral ministry
that most often when God answered my prayers.....
The answer took longer than I expected.
At times, the situation grew worse and looked
almost impossible before the answer came.
When God finally answered, it was in a manner by
far better than I had ever imagined!
So never ever stop praying over every situation. Our
prayers ascend as incense into heaven and remain before