Page 21 - Prayer Ascends - English
P. 21
board found a land ideally zoned for a children’s home and
school. The only problem was that, just the land would cost
us Rupees 40, 00,000 ($ 80,000). At the time, we had zero
funds for this project!! Nevertheless, we prayed regularly
and fervently for this land, believing that God would bring
in the necessary provision.
What transpired in the weeks to come was nothing short of
a miracle! Three months after we started fervently praying
for land, we saw God moving in an incredible way. Eight
thousand miles away in Lee, Massachusetts, USA, the Lord
put it upon the heart of a widow named Louise, to give
a large gift to an orphanage in India! Louise’s husband,
a physician had passed away the previous year, leaving
her a large inheritance. Louise wanted to give a part of it
away. What was amazing about this was that at this time
Louise was still Catholic and not yet a born again Christian.
One day Louise, visited the Greater Grace church in Lee,
Massachusetts and met the pastor, David Stambovski
to inquire if his church knew of any orphanage in India.
The pastor would have had no way of knowing about our
orphanage plans, except that he had only recently received
a newsletter sharing about our orphanage, from one of our
team members just two weeks before!!! Coincidence? No.
God’s marvelous providence? Yes!!!
Our prayers ascend as a memorial before God.
A few months later Louise donated $ 40,000 towards our
children’s home. It was half the cost of the land! God was
giving us His green signal to put the down payment for the