Page 18 - Prayer Ascends - English
P. 18
Chapter Three
Let me share with you some real life stories.
My wife Suzan’s mother, Maggie Coelho, is a fervent prayer
warrior. Years ago, she and a friend prayed for a lady and
her husband in their church in Abu Dhabi (the Middle
East), who desperately wanted to have children. They
had been married twelve years but she couldn’t conceive
despite the best medical advice and procedures. After a
year of consistent and fervent prayer for her friend, one
day, Maggie received a letter from the lady in Abu Dhabi
reading, “Maggie, I am pregnant - praise God!” Two months
later, another letter arrived - “Maggie, you’re not going to
believe this! We are expecting triplets!!!”
When my godly, mother in law told me this story, I could
sense the amazement and joy in her voice. “Pastor”, she
humorously added, “sometimes, we have to be careful what
we pray for!”
Our prayers ascend as a memorial before God.
Lift Up Your Hands For The Life Of Your Children
Jim Cymballa, Pastor of the Brooklyn Tabernacle church
in his inspiring book, “Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire” tells of
how his teenage daughter Chrissy, raised up in a Christian
home, drifted far away from God for a season. At age 16,
she got into a wrong relationship with a guy and began to
live in rebellion towards God. At age 18, she moved out of