Page 20 - Prayer Ascends - English
P. 20
screaming, very afraid. And when I woke up I suddenly
sensed that I was being enveloped in the arms of God who
was comforting me with His loving presence. I realized then
that God was trying to get my attention.” Then she added
again, “Daddy, who was praying for me?”
Imagine that! The very night, after a powerful prayer
meeting, was when God gave Chrissy a dream that would
turn her back to God! Coincidence? No. God moved in
answer to prayer. So real was the Holy Spirit’s conviction
upon her heart, that the very next morning Chrissy left
her boyfriend, packed her bags and drove straight back to
her parents home. In the year that followed she went to
Bible college. Today she is a pastor’s wife joyfully serving
Our prayers ascend as a memorial before God.
Sometimes He delays; and at other times its Isaiah 65:24
“Before they call, I will answer while they are still speaking,
I will hear…”
Far Beyond What We Asked For
In 2001, God put on our (my wife and I) hearts to start
a Children’s Home for abandoned and orphaned kids.
Our church was small at the time, but by faith, a team of
us, rented two bungalows and took in our first twenty
boys and girls. Two years later, God led us again to start
praying for funds to purchase our own land and build
our own Children’s Homes. We dreamed of a facility that
could accommodate a hundred orphan children that we
could raise up for Christ’s service. Members of our church