Page 23 - Prayer Ascends - English
P. 23
Friend, DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED! Don’t give up if the
‘big’ answers have not yet come. Pray fervently and
believe God for His answers. God has better plans than
you think. Ruth Graham once commented that, “If God had
answered all her prayers the way she had desired, then she
would have ended up marrying the wrong person on seven
different occasions!! “ But God had the best for her – Billy
Graham .
Every time you are tempted to be discouraged, let’s
remember some wonderful truths we learned in this
Your prayers ascend as incense before God.
Often your prayers were granted ‘to do’, the
moment you prayed, but the giving is delayed - for
God’s timing and for His Glory.
The answers will come. They may take longer
than you think. Maybe a little different than you
imagined. But most often, when God answers, He
does so in a far, far better way than you imagined.
In the waiting period, continue to faithfully serve
Him and say, “Lord be glorified in my life.”
If I had to choose between my prayers being answered and
God being glorified, I would want him to be glorified. As you
wait, remember, He never forgets His promise. Every good
and perfect gift comes from our Father. Let’s be men and
women of fervent prayer. God has hundreds and hundreds
of astonishing answers for those who will pray. He says