Page 113 - CBA 1983 YEARBOOK
P. 113

Wrestlers Grab Hold of League
The matmen seemed to be pinned by experience as
they finished their season with a disappointing 0-7 record.
First year coach, Dean DeSantis put it, “We just don’t
have the experience we need to win matches.’’
However, there were some individuals who fared well
on their own. Seniors Dave Ritter, Steve Rourke, and
John Fitzgerald were three tough competitors. All three
faced their opponents with strength and determination.
which was enough for their individual matches, but not
enough for the team as a whole.
Lack of experience explained the team’s problems. Yet
in working with a young group, the future is promising. This
year’s squad had the potential in the many young wres­
tlers who made up the lower weight classes. Jim DeYulio
and Bob Lyons, both returning from last year, showed
tremendous improvement.
Get out! Christian Davis attempts a reversal against his foe.
Bob Lyons receives some key strategy during a match.
M. Manley, R. DeYulio, L. Santaro, J. DeYulio, D. Peterson; E. Baca, C. Davis, A. Green; R. Lyons, J. Fitzgerald, G. Kelly, D, Ritter, S. Wells, S. Rourke, J. Fifield.

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