Page 19 - Spring 2020 Tags and Swipes
P. 19

Tags and Swipes, Spring 2020

        Harmony on the Sound Chorus (continued)

        While ZOOM has been a great tool for conferencing, we utilize many other tools to keep ourselves
        prepped for when we are able to sing together again:

        We continue to work on vocal skills, song prep and interp by recording ourselves, evaluating and sending
        those recordings to our section leaders for feedback.

        We use videos to instruct, practice and evaluate choreography.

        We use Skype (and Zoom, and other platforms) to screen-share for making notations on music or other

        Most of all, we use this technology to continually connect with each other, make sure everyone is ok,
        offer help to our sisters when needed, and even have cocktails together (from our own homes).

        Even if we can’t physically be together, we can still see each other on our computers, phones, tablets and
        iPads, laugh together, vent, build each other up, avert loneliness and stay connected!

        While we are all disappointed with the cancellation of the 2020 Regional Contests, and we are stressed
        out about the uncertainty of our future event schedules, we can take comfort in each other and the
        existence of the technology that allows us to stay connected during this unprecedented situation. We can
        still be there for each other while staying safe!

        This too shall pass.

        In the mean-time, Stay Connected, Build Each Other Up, Check-In On Your Neighbors, Family and SAI

        In Strength, Unity and Love,

        Laraine Mehr-Turlis


                               North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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