Page 20 - Spring 2020 Tags and Swipes
P. 20

Tags and Swipes, Spring 2020

        Island Grove Chorus

        30 Songs in 30 Days: Singing Thru the Coronavirus Pandemic

        Island Grove Chorus (IGC) is trying to maintain both singing voices and singers' spirits during this
        coronavirus pandemic by a "30 Songs In 30 Days" approach. Each IGC member voluntarily goes
        through a list of 30 of our songs and practices a different one each day for 30 days. We discuss our
        progress and foibles on a group email that keeps up our spirits in this strange time.

        IGC proudly announces that our Mary O’Loughlin, currently our Ass’t Director, has received the SAI
        Certificate of Achievement as a Certified Director! Hurrah! Nevertheless, IGC is STILL seeking a
        New Director, because Mary O’Loughlin ALSO serves as IGC Treasurer and IGC Webmaster. (Too
        many hats for one busy lady!)

        Thus, IGC renews its call for a NEW DIRECTOR in 2020 and beyond. Anyone interested should
        contact: Addie at (508) 864-2676.

                                                                                Adelene Ellenberg


                                 North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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