Page 21 - Spring 2020 Tags and Swipes
P. 21

Tags and Swipes, Spring 2020

        Merrimack Valley A Cappella Chorus

        Heart’s Home
        Merrimack Valley A Cappella Chorus must leave our home base! In February we were informed that
        our rental agreement with the Town of Wilmington will come to an end in late April. After rehearsing
        for more than thirty-five years in the same building, this was difficult news to hear.

        During a Saturday rehearsal a membership meeting was called to order and from that, a task force was
        formed, which we call “Heart’s Home.” The committee issued a detailed list of our minimum
        requirements and our wish list for future space – and mobilized the membership to identify possible sites
        and to make calls and visits to find a space that suits our needs.

        Over 90 possible sites were considered and three possible locations were brought to our Management
        Team for consideration… shortly before Social Distancing started. This is one more aspect of our
        chorus life which had to be put on hold for the duration of this health crisis.

        We sorely miss being together and making music. When we do meet again as a chorus, MVA will be in
        a different space – and starting anew. We wish that this time of “absence” will serve to make all our
        Region One hearts “fonder” of this wonderful hobby, and bond, which we share. Meanwhile, take good
        care of yours.

        Marian Minnich


                               North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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