Page 22 - Winter 2023 Tags and Swipes Newsletter
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Tags and Swipes, Winter 2023
Post Road Chorus
Holiday Greetings, and Happy, Healthy 2023 from Post Road
Chorus of Worcester, MA!
We hope that you all had a healthy, fun, and music-filled holiday season. A few of our plans to sing
were, once again, affected by COVID, but we continue to rally and remain positive about our
commitment to sing and to celebrate and to be together, whenever and however we can.
We are excited to have gained a couple of new singers (a bass and a tenor!) from our 8-week guest
program where potential “new” singers were invited to come and sing, learn some tags, and a brand
new-to-us holiday song for our annual Friends & Family performance at Briarwood.
Our Friends and Family performance was well-attended and enjoyed by both the audience and the
chorus. Refreshments are always plentiful and added a sweet finish to the evening.
The Music Team has chosen 6 new songs to learn in 2023, and we are ready to get started with those
selections after our holiday party, scheduled for January 3 . We are looking forward to adding to our
repertoire and to continue to share our music.
Regional weekends are eagerly anticipated this coming year. We hope to see you there and experience
together what we all love so much.
Deborah Cormier
North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines