Page 25 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 25
Tags and Swipes, Winter 2022
Post Road Chorus (continued)
Singing at “Santa & Song” in Lancaster, MA
Our music committee continues to meet and discuss new songs and other issues related to our music, and
our board continues to meet via Zoom to review all important information and concerns of the group as a
whole. We are planning a new logo, we have thoughts for how we want to look when we perform, and
we are supporting each other, however we can, as we continue to move forward.
Our chorus will celebrate its 35th anniversary on February 1, 2022. We are hoping that that day will be
just the beginning of a year of celebration for us.
Plans continue for our Master’s Quartet Invitational, scheduled at this point for June 11, 2022.
Sadly, it appears that we will be moving back to virtual rehearsals and meetings as of the first of the year
as a result of the increasing number of positive Covid cases in our area. Our primary concern, as is
everyone’s, is to keep each other safe. We remain committed to one another and to our love of singing.
Wishing you all health and joy in 2022!!
Deborah Cormier
North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines