Page 24 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 24
Tags and Swipes, Winter 2022
Post Road Chorus
Season’s Greetings from Post Road Chorus of Worcester, MA!
We, fortunately, were able to continue to meet weekly for in-person rehearsals at a couple of different
locations, since mid-June. We are grateful for these places that allowed us to gather to sing and even to
practice on risers, on occasion.
Lots of different characters came to our Halloween rehearsal!
Our little chorus has seen a few changes, with some members making choices for themselves that are
understandable and right for them at this point in time. At the same time, we have welcomed 3 new
members, with the potential for another very soon.
The ability to return to risers was very important this fall as we sang our holiday rep at 4 different
locations in December. We were thrilled to be able to dust off our holiday songs and to share them with
so many people - to get us into the holiday spirit as well as to just feel a bit more “normal”.
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North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines