Page 19 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 19
Tags and Swipes, Winter 2022
Merrimack Valley A Cappella
When it rains… it pours! In MVA we like to say “we are nothing if not FLEXIBLE!”
While this Merrimack Valley A Cappella update is being written at the cusp of the new year, MVA has
had a new year’s mindset for the past few months. What has that involved? Looking ahead and feeling
positive and energized. And throughout this year, we have been very thankful to the Management Team
and the Directors Team, who have shown their dedication to the chorus is so many different ways.
In September, we began in-person weekly Thursday rehearsals at our new hall, the community center at
Temple Emmanuel in Andover, MA. Since the hall requires all guests to be masked, we have been
modifying the time by taking more frequent breaks, incorporating a five-minute meditation/stretching
period halfway through, and shortening our previous 2.5 hour routine by about 30 minutes. We’ve had a
few guests/potential members visiting and inquiring, and one is on the verge of auditioning. Sally Jeffery
and Carol Smolenski have been tag-teaming during rehearsals to lead the chorus up front as interim co-
Throughout 2021, a small group has been getting together virtually for vocal warmup sessions for 15
minutes four afternoons a week. Kathleen Hansen’s YouTube videos have been favorites.
Skills/endurance are the focus, but the Vocal Crew has been loving the camaraderie and a lot of laughs
have been par for the course!
In a wonderful return to a degree of normalcy, MVA has been able to schedule some outdoor
performances. On Oct. 16 – World Singing Day! -- we were at the Andover Farmer’s Market; a great way
to get some visibility in our new geographic home. In addition to our repertoire, we led some singalongs,
which included the World Singing Day theme.
Andover Farmers’ Market
(continued on next page)
North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines